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Motiti Island - Kaiwakawaka ree Wind Stats

Wind Stats

(% offshore)

All Swells

(any wind direction)

This image shows how commonly and how strongly the wind blows from different directions over a normal May. The biggest spokes point in the directions the wind most commonly blows from and the shade of blue implies the strength, with deep blue strongest. It is based on 3422 NWW3 forecasts of wind since since 2007, at 3hr intervals, for the closest NWW3 model node to Motiti Island - Kaiwakawaka ree, located 15 km away (9 miles). There are insufficient recording stations world wide to use actual wind data. Without question some coastal places have very localized wind effects that would not be predicted by NWW3. According to the model, the dominant wind at Motiti Island - Kaiwakawaka ree blows from the NE. If the rose plot shows a nearly round shape, it means there is no strong bias in wind direction at Motiti Island - Kaiwakawaka ree. On the other hand, dominant spokes illustrate favoured directions, and the more deep blue, the stronger the wind. Spokes point in the direction the wind blows from. During a typical May, the model suggests that winds are light enough for the sea to be glassy (pale blue) about 10% of the time (3 days each May) and blows offshore 31% of the time (7 days in an average May). Over an average May wind stronger than >40kph (25mph) was expected for only a single days at Motiti Island - Kaiwakawaka ree

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